Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P. issued the hall tickets to their affiliated colleges for the course of M.Tech. (CR) (2nd Semester) Examinations Held in October, 2015. According to the official time table notification Acharya Nagarjuna University going to be conducting while the M.Tech Sem-2 Subject exams in between 6th October and 16th October 2015 at respective examination centers. The exam center details will be appeared in student hall tickets. The candidates who have to appear for the above M.Tech exams 2015, you may check the exam schedule, time, information regarding hall tickets through this article. For any more information on this topic, please comment us through comment session at below.
Name of University : Acharya Nagarjuna University
Announcement : Time Table & Hall Tickets
Name of exam : M.Tech. II Sem Exam Oct 2015
Date of commencement of M.Tech Exams : 06-10-2015
Date of end of the M.Tech Examinations : 16-10-2015
Timing for the exams : 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
Max. Marks : 70
University website :
Acharya Nagarjuna University Time Table for M.Tech IInd Sem Exams Held in October 2015
ANU recently issued the date sheet notification for Master in Technology (M.Tech) Masters Degree (C.R.) Second Semester Examinations to be held from 6th October 2015. The official notice published through the university official website, this is good news for those candidates who applied, since looking for the M.Tech Sem-II Exams 2015 Schedule. All the students of ANU those who are going to attend for the above M.Tech exam 2015, you can check the exam schedule and know the information regarding hall tickets through this article.
Time Table for M.Tech Sem-2 Exams October 2015
Time : 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
Day & Dale | Computer Science & Technology | Communication Engineering & Signal processing | CAD/CAM/MD | Structural Engineering |
06-10-2015 Tuesday | CST-521(CR) Distnbuled Operating Systems | CESP-521 (CR) Real Time Signal Processing | MT/TV1E/CC-521 (CR) Computer Integrated Manufacturing MT/M E/M D-521 Advanced Mechanisms Design |
MCE/SE/201 (CR) Finite Element Analysis of Structures |
08-10-2015 Thursday | CST-522(CR) Data Engineering | CESP-522 (CR) Multiratc Systems and Filter Banks | MT/V1E/CC/MD -522 (CR) Robotics | MCE/SE/202 (CR) Stability of Structures |
10-10-2015 Saturday | CST-523(CR) Web Technologies | CESP-523 (CR) Wireless Communication | MT/M E/CC/M D-523 (CR) Optimization Techniques | MCE/SE/203 (CR) Theory of Plates and Shells |
12-10-2015 Monday | CST-524(CR) (Ele-IV) (A) Object Oriented Analysis & Design |
CESP-524 (CR) (Ele-I) (1) Embedded Systems (2) Pattern Recognition (3) Random Processing & Information Theory |
MT/M E/CC-524A (CR) (Ele-IV) Advanced Mechanisms Design MT/M E/M D-524 (Ele-IV)-A Tool Design MT/ME/CC-524-B Reliability Engineering MT/ME/CC/M D-524-C Quality Engineering |
MCE/SE/204 (CR) (Ele-IV) (A) Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (B) Disaster Management (C) Ground Improvement Techniques |
14-10-2015 Wednesday | CST-525(CR) – A (Ele-V) Net work Programming | CESP-S25 (CR) (Ele-H) (1) Satellite Communication Systems (2) Global Positioning Systems (3) Telecommunication Switching Systems |
MT/ME/CC-525-A (CR) (Ele-IV) Fluidics & Control Systems MT/ME/CC-525-B Design of Material Handling Equipment MT/ME/CC/MD-52S-C Mechanics of Composite Materials MT/ME/MD-S25(E-V) (CR) (A) Gear Engg. (B) Experimental Stress Analysis |
MCE/SE/205 (CR) (Ele-V) A) Advanced Design of steel Structures B) Composite construction C) Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures |
16-10-2015 Friday | CST-526(CR)-A ( Ele-V 1) Wireless Networks | CESP-526 (CR) (Ele-IIl) (1) Fuzzy Techniques (2) Optimization Techniques (3) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
VtT/M E/CC/M D-526-A (CR) (Ele-IV) Mechatronics MT/ME/CC-526-B Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems MT/ME/MD-526-B Mechanics of Fracture & Fatique MT/ME/CC-526-C Concurrent Engineering MT/MF./DD-52&-C Tribology |
MCE/SE/206 (CR) (Ele-VI) A) Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures B) Advanced Bridge Engineering C) Fibre Reinforced Concrete |
Time Table :
Day & Dale | Computer Science Engineering / Digital Image Processing | Power Systems Engg. | VLSI & Embedded Systems Design |
06-10-2015 Tuesday | CSE-521 (CR) Data Engineering CSE-521 (DIP) Advanced Image & Video Processing |
MT/PSE/521 (CR) Flexible AC Transmission Systems | VES-521 Low Power VLSI Design |
08-10-2015 Thursday | CSE-522 (CR) Design Analysis of Algorithms CSE-521 (DIP) Pattern Recognition & Analysis |
MT/PSE-522 (CR) Power System Stability | VES – 522 Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation |
10-10-2015 Saturday | MT/CS-523 (CR) Advanced Computing. CSE-523 (DIP) Multimedia Systems |
MT/PSE-523 (CR) Real Time Control of Power Systems | VES – 523 Embedded System Design |
12-10-2015 Monday | CSE-524 (Ele-I) (CR) CSE/DIP-524 (A) Bioinformatics CSE/DOP-524(B) Evolutionary Algorithms CSE/DIP-524(C) Machine Learning CSE-524(D) Soft Computing DIP-524 (D) Data Engineering |
MT/PSE-524 (CR) 1. HVDC Transmission Systems 2. Power Quality 3. Digital Control Systems |
VES – 524 (Ele. -1) 1) Modeling and Synthesis with Verilog HDL 2) VIIDL Modeling of Digital Systems 3) VLSI Fabrication Technology Banks |
14-10-2015 Wednesday | CSE-525(Ele-IIXCR) A) High Speed Networks B) Advanced Computer Networks C) Network & Internet Security D) Wireless Networks DIP-525 (Elc.ll) (CR) A) Bio Medical Signal Processing B) Speech & Audio Processing C) DSP Applications for Multimedia D) Digilal Compression Techniques |
MT/PSE-S25(CR) 1. Electrical Distribution Systems 2. Voltage Stability 3 Power System Planning |
VES-S25 (Ele.-II) 1. CPLD and FPGA Architecture and Applications 2 ASIC and SoC Design 3 Design of Fault Tolerant Systems |
16-10-2015 Friday | CSE-526(Ele-III)(CR) CSE/D1P-S26 A) Embedded Systems CSE-S26(B) Multimedia Systems DIP-526 ((B) High Performance Compuling CSE/DIP-526(C) Parallel Processing CSE/DIP-526(D) Real Time Systems |
MT/PSE-S26/(CR) (Ele-VI) 1 A! Techniques 2. Power System Deregulation 3. Energy Conversation & Audit |
VESC – 526 (Ek. HI) 1) Embedded Real Time Operating Systems 2) System Modeling & Simulation 3) RF and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits |
Hall Tickets for the M.Tech Sem Exams October 2015
Acharya Nagarjuna University already issue the admit card for the M.Tech exams 2015 to their affiliated colleges. The related Candidates need to receive their hall-tickets from the Principals of the concerned College THREE days before the commencement of the examinations. In no circumstances the hall-ticket will be sent to the candidates directly. Candidates must need to bring their hall tickets when they are going to appear for the examination hall.
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