University of Pune was successfully conducted the T.E. & B.E. course semester (of 2012 Batch) Examinations in August, 2015 successfully at respective examination centers for their students. While the BE Exams were conducted in between 10th August 2015 and 14th August 2015 and the TE exams as well as organized in the same of August month 2015. There are a huge number of students appeared for the T.E. & B.E. Course Semester Exams August 2015, now they are eagerly looking for the date of declaration of the results. This article help you to know/ analysis the date to publish the TE/ BE Examination 2015 results. So the related candidates who want to check the TE – BE Sem Exams 2015, you can read more at below of this article.
Organization: Savitribai Phule Pune University (University of Pune)
Announcement: Results
Name of Exam: T.E. & B.E. Sem exams August 2015
Date of declaration of the results: Update soon
Official website:
University of Pune TE & BE Course Sem Exam August 2015
According to the official time table notification Pune University was successfully conducted the T.E. / B.E. Examinations in August month of 2015 year for their students at the examination center which is printed on student hall tickets. All the candidates of Pune University those who have appeared for the above TE / BE Sem Exams 2015, you may follow the below mentioned few steps to check the TE/BE results, also know the date to declare the results through this article.
How to check the BE/ TE results 2015
- Open the results portal URL:
- Browse with the required course, result page
- Search your results with the help of Roll number
Date of declaration of the BE/ TE Examination August 2015 Results
After completion of the Technical / Bachelor Engg. Course Semester Exams in August 2015, the answer paper evaluation process were carried out by the university. The paper correction process will take few days to evaluate the answer sheets and calculate the student marks. The date of declaration of the BE / TE results is depended on the evaluation status. Once complete the paper evaluation process, the mark sheet will be uploaded online at university official website very soon. So the related candidates may update with the university website (or) check here in this webpage for daily updates.
The expected date to issue TE/ BE sem results 2015 : Update soon (Exact date)
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