Vinoba Bhave University shortly published Admit Card for First Professional M.B.B.S. (I) Theory and Practical Examinations Held in September 2015. The VBU already issued the schedule of MBBS Ist Prof. Exams 2015 on 19th August 2015, now this is time to publishing the Hall Tickets / Call Letter for MBBS First Year Theory & Practical Exams Held in September 2015. The Last date for submission of MBBS Exams Form by the College in the University by 25th August 2015. The related candidates who are going to appear for the above exam may check their Theory, Practical exam schedule, Center name and Admit card download through this article easily.
Organization : Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh
Announcement : Exam Scheme, Center name, Admit card Download
Name of Exam : Ist Professional MBBS (I) Examination 2015
Last date for submission of MBBS Exams Form by the College in the University : 25-August-2015
University website :
VB University Programme for 1st Professional MBBS 2015 (I) Examination
The Vinoba Bhave University was scheduled the MBBS Theory Exams to be held in between 2nd September 2015 and 14th September 2015 at below given examination centers. After completion of the M.B.B.S. Theory Exams and then the Practical exams will be commencement from 15-September-2015 by the VB University. The Schedule official notice approved by the “(L.P. Mishra) Controller of Examinations, VB University” and issued in the “Memo No./VBU/ Ex-392/1652/2015” through the university website. The official notification “Umesh/c5/MBBS/8/l 9/2015” was issued on 20th August 2015.
Time Table for 1st Professional MBBS Examination2015 (Theory & Practical)
- Time: 02.00 P.M. to 05.00 P.M.
Examination Centre: (Theory) : P.K.Roy Memorial College, Dhanbad
Exam Centre: (Viva/Practal) : Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad
Subject | Date of Examinations |
Anatomy Paper – I | 02.09.2015 |
Anatomy Paper – II | 04.09.2015 |
Physiology -1 | 07.09.2015 |
Physiology – II | 09.09.2015 |
Biochemistry -1 | 12.09.2015 |
Biochemistry – II | 14.09.2015 |
- Group- A = 01 to 30 of University Roll No. List
- Group- B = 31 to 60 of University Roll No. List
- Group- C = 61 onwards of University Roll No. List
Practical Schedule
Date | Anatomy | Physiology | Biochemistry |
15.09.2015 | Group-A | Group-B | Group-C |
16.09.2015 | Group-B | Group-C | Group-A |
17.09.2015 | Group-C | Group-A | Group-B |
VBU – Admit Card Download for First MBBS Exams September 2015
Are you looking for VBU First Prof. M.B.B.S Theory / Practical Exams Held in September 2015 Admit card? you are correct place to know the useful information regarding the MBBS Admit card then find the more from this article.
According to the above mentioned MBBS Theory and Practical Exam schedule, the VB University will organize the exams on the scheduled dates. There are so many students who eligible have applied for the First Professional MBBS Exams under the VBU. The applicants are advised to check their exam schedule to getting preparation for the exams.
The related candidates are got their exam schedule for MBBS Exams, now they are looking for Admit card to appear in the exam hall. Candidates can follow the below mentioned few simple steps to get the MBBS Admit card for 2015 Exams
How to download the MBBS Admit card 2015
- Open the University website :
- Look for MBBS Admit card download page link and open it
- Enter your Registration number to view the admit card
- Check the admit card details and take print out it
The direct link for MBBS Admit card shortly update here. The admit card likely issue by the university in the last week of August month 2015.
Date to issue the MBBS admit card 2015 Exams
The VB University properly issue the Admit cards before one week from the date of commencement of the exam. The expecting date for MBBS Theory Exams September 2015 admit card will available from 26th August 2015. So the related candidates can update with the university (or) check the regular updates here in this webpage regarding MBBS Admit card.
Note : If the MBBS Exams 2015 admit card link dose not available since last week of August 2015, then the related candidates can ask your admit card at your respective studied college and collect there your hall ticket.
Candidates can also read the important instructions / conditions while to be in the examination hall, when you are going to appear for the exams.
Instructions for Candidate
- Provision of the conduct of Examination Act 1981 and directive of the Hon’ble High Court, Patna, dated 22.12.1995 will be strictly implemented for fair conduct of examination.
- Any special marking by the examinees or any other person for the purpose of unauthorized defiance of the coding of the answer book is prohibited and even punishable under the regulations.
- All undesirable material such as Mobile and Programmable calculator are strictly prohibited.
- Examinees are required to bring their “ADMIT CARD” on each day of examination, without which he/she may not be allowed to appear in the examination.
- There will be no re-examination in case of walkout or cancellation of examination.
For any queries on above topic, post your doubts at below comment session, we will help you as soon as possible.
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