These are blogs which offer writing tips and advice of every imaginable shape and size.
Writing – Writing tips aimed mostly at academic writers, but a lot of their advice applies to other kinds of writing as well, so it’s definitely worth a visit and/or bookmark.
Foot in Mouth – Their focus is on writing content for the Internet and writing content that’s search engine friendly. If you’re new to web writing and search engine optimization, then this is a great place to start.
Lifetips Writing Tips – They haven’t updated this blog in a couple of years, but some of the posts from 2006 are gold. Some of the tips include how to get top dollar for your writing, the importance of keywords in online writing, and how to sell yourself.
Successful Writing Tips – This blog is aimed at people writing dissertations, but check it out even if you’re not writing a dissertation. Most of the writing advice here is applicable to any writing projects, and the advice is better than most of the writing advice you’ll find online.
Pro Writing Tips – They offer grammar and writing tips via email, twitter, and their blog. They include sections on style, fiction, grammar, and craft.
Freelance Writing Tips – Includes updates on “writers wanted” gigs, writing workshops, books, and just about every other writing subject you can imagine. They also maintain a presence on Twitter and Facebook.
Daily Writing Tips – They include grammar tips, punctuation tips, spelling tips, and misused word tips. They also offer book reviews and news on writing competitions.
Copyblogger – This one’s aimed at copywriters, and the advice here is always dynamite. Notice his terrific use of headlines for his blog posts.
Font International – Writing and publishing advice from an actual literary agency. Pay attention to this one.
Advice from Editors – Aimed mostly at writers of genre fictions. Besides offering writing advice, they also suggest good books to read. (And reading good books will improve anyone’s writing.)
Writer’s Digest Write Better – The venerable magazine also publishes a blog with advice for writers about how to improve their writing and get published.
Write Better – The official weblog for Focuses more on nonfiction writing like journalism and business writing than anything else, but quality advice.
English Software Articles – They offer a number of articles about improving your writing by making it clearer. The main focus of the site is to sell their grammar and spellchecking software, but the information in their articles section is well done.
CuteWriting – Advice for creative writers of all kinds, including bloggers and fiction writers. Lots of information about writing for the Internet and making money doing so.
Blogging Tips – Lots of information about the business side of blogging, but plenty of good advice about how to be a better writer too. Some of the more technical articles about CSS weren’t my thing, but it’s a great resource for writers who are into the blogging for money side of things.
Write to Done – Leo is the author of the immensely popular Zen Habits blog. His insights into writing are well worth taking a look, and the site is updated with new articles twice a week. Focused on blogging, writing for the Internet, and building an audience for your writing.
I’d Rather Be Writing – Advice and tips for technical writers. Focuses largely on writing for the Internet, which is common enough, considering that this list consists of WEBlogs.
Problogger – This one is about a lot more than just how to write better, but it’s SUCH a great resource for bloggers that it would be a sin to not include it here. This is the premier source of blogging tips on the Internet. And if you want to make money blogging, it’s indispensible.
Business Writing Blog – Lynn Gaertner-Johnston writes this one, and it’s exclusively about business writing. Recent topics have included whether or not to indent paragraphs, how much proofreading should you have to do when paying a lot of money to a writer, and how a good sentence evolves from an average sentence.
Writing to Inspire Writing Tips Blog – This one is aimed mostly at fiction writers, and consists largely of writing prompts. It’s such a cool resource we couldn’t help but list it even though the focus of the section is so narrow.
Writing Forward – Includes information about how to write better fiction and tips about grammar and language usage. The blog also offers creative writing exercises.
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