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Organization Name : AP Forest Department
Job Category : Government
AP Forest Department Admit card/ Hall Ticket 2014 download for the written examination. This organization of the government organization of Andhra Pradesh in the month of February announced its notification for many openings. Candidates need to download the the AP forest department Hall ticket 2014 for this examination. This organization made cleared in the notification that the hall tickets shall not be issued to those job hunters if they apply to district where there are openings are not there. More than two thousand are giving to be filled by this department. Last date was in the first week of the Mark. By using this recruitment, Assistant and other posts are going to be filled. More jobs are issued for the Assistant beat officers.
AP Forest Department Hall Ticket 2014
If you want more clarifications then you contact this organization by using of the Email Id which is present in the notification. Age limit for this even is fixed as 36. There are three papers in the written examination. First one is of the the Essay writing. This shall be set in the local languages of the Andhra Pradesh and in English this is for 20 Marks. Second paper is of the general English and last one is of Mathematics. For both of these papers Marks are 200. There are total of 220 marks are for the written examination only. But for the technical assistant it is different.
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