Here below you can find Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University list of B.Ed., M.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed Degree Affiliated Colleges in The Nilgiris (City in Tamil Nadu). There are 01 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Masters of Education (M.Ed.) & Bachelor of Science B.Ed colleges found in The Nilgiris. Here you can read the all 01 college names, college code, address and intake capacity for respective courses.
TNTEU B.Ed. / M.Ed. Degree Exams May/June 2018 Result
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
TNTEU B.Ed., M.Ed. Affiliated Colleges in The Nilgiris
List of Colleges offering B.Ed., M.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed Degree Courses
The Nilgiris
S.NO : 1
COLLEGE NAME : St. Joseph’s College of Education
ADDRESS : P.B.No.29, Woodcock Road, St.Mary’s Hill, The Nilgiris – 643 001
B.ED Intake: 100
Official website :
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