Ensure you are passing through a dense jungle, suddenly hear the roar of lions …
Kkap because Duduga It’s not that you can muster the courage to say this mood …
Kkapako not swim and you are immersed in water , Then you can dare to say that there is no mood to shout “Save save” ……….
Do you get permission for mood to travel to Batra Dham ?? …… ..
Do you take a mood to watch the first show of hit movie on Friday? …….
Do you support the mood to talk to your girl friend … do not ….
Why help every time the mood …. ??
when Collect see you try you ask your mood, at least half a day feel like your mind Khenga …
Kpdhne, which will help to set the foundation of failure Therefore, the mood for the necessary work is not necessary. Switch to ……… ..
What I have heard from many students, I do not mind reading on I wanted to be ias, do …
If you’ve resolved to become IAS means it was not you decide to do the hard work … ……
Kdoston takes no priest ever resort mood to text worship temple, sits a bath before sunrise in cold water as ice in winter, he suffered mood this work without a 365-day year The visit everyday, so you have to do everyday with passion for their work without adding excuses …….
Therefore, the question of mood is not created for those friends who are necessary …. Do not become slaves from today’s owner … then see how easy the easiest and easy way of your mushurai is.
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