JNTUK 3-2 Results May 2015 R10, R07, R05 Regular/Supply Results : Hello friends, i’m back with all the latest and updated news about the results of JNTUK 3-2 exams that were conducted during the month of May 2015.The examinations for the Btech Third year Second Semester has been conducted for all the regulations like R10,R07,R05 in the month of April and May 2015 for both the Regular and Supplementary examinations.
JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 (R10, R07, R05) Regular/Supply Results May 2015
As per the latest reports and updated news from the Jntu kakinada, the jntuk btech 3-2 supply and regular 2015 exams results will be released in the third week of July 2015 i.e anytime between 17th July 2015 to 24th July 2015.
when will be the JNTUK 3-2 results released online?
The dates given above are just of predictions and dear students please don’t get too much tensed about the results, the results will be surely released in next one week time, keep visiting our blog www.eduzoneindia.in for all the results of Jntu kakinada.
what is the results date fo JNTUK Btech 3-2 Reg/supple 2015 exams?
From the official sources we came to know that the Spot valuation for the JNTUK 3-2 exams 2015 has been started very earlier immediately after conducting the exams.The Spot valuation has been done in three phases Phase-1 from 10th july 201,10/07/2015, Phase-2 from 22nd June 2015,2/06/2015 and the Final third Phase-3 has been started from the 03rd July 2015,03/07/2015.As of now the spot valuation for all the subjects from all the branches has been finished and the officials were very busy in uploading the data into the online servers of the JNTU Kakinada Website portal.
How to check JNTUK 3-2 R10 Results online?
- Visit the official website : www.jntuk.edu.in
- go to the Results section provided in the middle of the website.
- click on Btech 3-2 Results for R10,R07,R05.
- enter your roll number and click submit.
- your results are displayed successfully.
Results from Schools9.com and Manabadi.Com etc:
www.schools9.com jntuk 3-2 results online
JNTUK 3-2 Results May 2015 R10,R07,R05
www.manabadi.com jntuk btech 3-2 results regular and supple may 2015
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