University of Kota has published the LL.M. (Sem 4), M.Sc. Wild Life Science (Sem 4), M.Sc. Life Science (Sem 4), M.Sc. Physics Energy (Sem 4), M.A. Heritage Tourism & Museology (Sem 4), M.Com. Accounting & Fin. (Sem 4), MBA (Sem 4) & MCA (Sem 6) Semester VI / VIth Examinations 2015. The above LLM, MCS, MA, MCOM, MBA, MCA Sem-IV, VI Exam 2015 results has published (Today) 5th October 2015 by the Kota University. This is good news for those who have attend and since looking for their results. The related candidates are advised to check their UG / PG Result through online easily now. This article helps you to access the Kota University results 2015 easily through online, more details find below.
Name of University : University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan
Announcement : Results
Course Name : LLM/ MCS/ MA/ MCOM/ MBA/MCA Sem-4, 6 Exams 2015
Date of issue Results : 05-10-2015 at 6 PM
University website :
Kota University Results for UG/ PG Sem-4, 6 Examinations 2015
The LL.M., M.Sc. (Wild Life Science/ Life Science/ Physics Energy), MA Heritage Tourism & Museology, M.Com. (Accounting & Fin.), MBA & MCA Semester –VI, IV Exams 2015 was successfully carried out by the university recently. The university successfully conducted the UG/ PG Sem -4, 6 Exams for their students at respective exam centers. There are a huge number of students appeared and they are eagerly looking for the result. All the candidates have good news, that is Kota University issued the results for the U.G. & P.G Sem Exams 2015 through online, now the results are available to access through online.
After completion of the Masters /Bachelors Degree Sem-4, 6 Exams 2015, the paper evaluation process was started by the University of Kota and the paper correction process completed. Present the University of Kota – UG / PG Sem results are available to search in online. All the related candidates who have finished their LLM/ MCS/ MA/ MCOM/ MBA/MCA Exams 2015 which organized by the Kota university, you are advised to find the result by follow the below given procedure.
- Open the Result page link :
- Click on the followed courses which you want
LL.M. (Sem-4) |
M.Sc. Wild Life Science (Sem-4) |
M.Sc. Life Science (Sem-4) |
M.Sc. Physics Energy (Sem-4) |
MA Heritage Tourism & Museology (Sem-4) |
M.Com. Accounting & Fin. (Sem-4) |
MBA (Sem-4) |
MCA (Sem-6) |
- Search there result by roll number wise
- Finally take print out the mark sheet.
The results are available now
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