Kerala University of Health Sciences Shortly published the Results for First Year B.H.M.S. Backlog (2013 &2012 Admission) Exams Held in August, 2015. While the First BHMS Supple Exams were carried out in between 10th August 2015 and 26th August 2015 at respective examination centers by the K.U.H.S. There are a large number of candidates has appeared for the above BHMS First Year exam 2015 which organized by the Kerala University of Health Sciences. The related candidates may check the date to declaration of the BHMS Results by the university, this webpage help you to find the BHMS Results through online easily, read more below.
Name of University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Announcement : Results
Name of Exam : First BHMS Degree Supplementary (Academic Session : 2013 &2012 Year) Examinations Held in August, 2015
Exam Dates : 10th August, 2015 to 26th August, 2015 (Time : 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM)
Official website :
KUHS Results for Ist BHMS Supple Exams August 2015
According to the official date sheet the KUHS University successfully conducted the BHMS Supple exams in August month 2015 for their students. A large number of candidates appeared for the BHMS Exams August, 2015 and they are eagerly looking for their result. The students of Kerala University of Health Sciences those who wrote the 1st Year BHMS Degree Supplementary Exams August, 2015 you may know the date to declare the B.H.M.S. Exams Results.
Kerala University of Health Sciences carried out the paper correction process on First BHMS Supple Exams 2015 student answer papers, after completion of the exams by 26th August 2015. The paper evaluation process will take few days to calculate the student marks. The First BHMS Degree Backlog (2013 &2012 Admission) Exam August 2015 Results will upload to university website after completion of the paper evaluation on students answer sheets. Present there are during the paper correction process on First BHMS Supply exams 2015 Answer papers. Candidates can follow the below mentioned few steps to check and downloading the First BHMS Supple Exams August 2015 Results.
How to Check the BHMS Supple Results 2015
- Open the Result link :
- Browse with the selected course exam results page
- Enter your Roll Number and click to submit it
- Finally check and take print out the mark sheet
Date of declaration of the BHMS Exams August, 2015 Results
The expected date for BHMS First Year Supplementary (2013 &2012 Admission) Examinations Held in August, 2015 results is last week of September 2015. The related candidates may discuss the date to release the BHMS results by the university, by posting your opinion at below comment session; it is very helpful for all remaining/ related candidates.
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