Here below you can find the detailed information regarding how to apply for SCHOLARSHIP in Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Admissions & Scholarship Details
Scheduled Caste (Hindu) and Scheduled Tribe candidates who pursue their studies through this Directorate are eligible for reimbursement of all non-refundable fees and also an annual allowance towards purchase of essential / prescribed books. The student should not be working in Government / Private Sector to avail this scholarship. This prescribed scholarship form and other particulars in this connection can be obtained from the Director, SC/ST Welfare Department of the respective State Governments.
Physically and Visually Challenged candidates, who satisfy the condition, can avail the State Government Scholarship for Disabled. The prescribed form may be obtained from the District Rehabilitation Officer in the Districts concerned for reimbursement of non-refundable Fee.
MSU Tamil Nadu – UG / PG (DD & CE) Courses Application & Prospectus (Brochure)
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