As we know that National Institutes of Technology (NITs) Karnataka, Surathkal decided to conduct the NIT MCA COMMON ENTRANCE TEST on May 26, 2019 (Sunday) at 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON (IST). So all the related candidates who applied for NIMCET 2019, you are suggested to download the online admit card, check test pattern and examination center details through this article.
NIT NIMCET MCA Result 2019 Exam Download Name wise
NIMCET 2019 Admit Card Download
For all eligible applicants, Admit Cards will be made available on the website, after scrutiny of their applications. Applicants will be required to download their Admit Card after logging in to this website between May 13, 2019 and May 24, 2019. The candidates shall have to produce the Admit Card at the Test Centre, Counselling Centre / Remote Reporting Centre and the Participating Institute at the time of admission.
Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Download admit card at:
Availability of Admit card on web for download from 13th May 2019 to 24th May 2019
Note: Admit Cards will not be sent to the candidates individually by post.
Instructions to Candidates Appearing for the Test
Candidates have to report at the examination hall in the allotted test center with Admit Card by 9.30 am (IST) on 26th May, 2019 (Sunday). Candidates have to bring their own black or blue ink ball point pen for filling bubbles and particulars on the OMR Sheet. Candidates are advised to completely fill the bubble corresponding to correct answer for each question. Calculators, mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets are NOT allowed in to the examination hall.
The duration of NIMCET-2019 examination is TWO hours duration and question paper will consist of 120 multiple choice questions with four choices for each question. All rough work is to be done in the Test Booklet only. The candidate should NOT do any rough work or put any stray marks on the OMR Sheet.
NIMCET 2019 Exam Center
Test Centre | Centre Code |
Agartala | 11 |
Raipur | 22 |
Allahabad | 12 |
Rourkela | 23 |
Bhopal | 13 |
Silchar | 24 |
Calicut | 14 |
Srinagar | 25 |
Hamirpur | 15 |
Surat | 26 |
Hyderabad | 16 |
Surathkal | 27 |
Jaipur | 17 |
Tiruchirappalli | 28 |
Jalandhar | 18 |
Warangal | 29 |
Jamshedpur | 19 |
Kolkata | 30 |
Kurukshetra | 20 |
Delhi | 31 |
Patna | 21 |
NOTE: This is a tentative list of test centers. If enough number of candidates do not opt for a particular centre, then that centre may be cancelled and the center indicated as the next choice will be allotted automatically. However, in a situation where none of the three choices indicated by the candidate is available (which is unlikely), one of the available centres that is geographically nearest to the first preference centre
Important Dates
Publication of Advertisement in Press and Web : Wednesday, 27th February 2019
Opening date for online Registration : Friday, 1st March 2019 [10 am]
Last date for online submission of Application Form : Sunday, 31st March 2019 [up to 5 pm]
Availability of Admit card on web for download : Monday, 13th May 2019 to Friday, 24th May 2019
Date and Time of Examination : Sunday, 26th May 2019 [Time: 10.00 am to 12 noon
Date of Publication of Result (Tentative) : Tentatively on or before Wednesday, 5th June 2019
Choice filling : Sunday 9th June 2019 to Thursday 13th June 2019 [upto 5 pm]
First Round of Allotment : Saturday, 15th June 2019
First round of Remote reporting in person in any of the Participating NIT‘s : Friday 21st June 2019 to Saturday 22nd June 2019 ( Time 10 am to 5 pm)
Second round of Allotment/upgradation : Friday, 28th June 2019.
Second round of remote reporting in person
(Fresh allotees must report. And allotees whose seats are upgraded need to report only if they wish to modify their option; otherwise need not report) : Thursday, 4th July 2019 to Friday, 5th July 2019. ( Time 10 am to 5 pm)
Third round of allotment/upgradation : Tuesday, 9th July 2019.
Third round of reporting in person at the allotted institute and Surrendering the allotted seats by those who do not wish to join the allotted institute, but wish to participate in final round of allotment : Monday, 15th July 2019 to Tuesday, 16th July 2019. (Time: 10 am to 5 pm)
Announcement of vacant seats : Saturday, 20th July 2019
Fresh Choice Filling : Sunday, 21st July 2019 to Monday, 22nd July 2019 [ 5 pm]
Final round of allotment : Wednesday, 24th July 2019
Final round of reporting at allotted institute: On or before Tuesday, 30th July 2019
Note: If Time is unspecified, then contact the concerned participating institute.
For any further clarifications, the applicants may contact: As well as comment us below.
The Secretary,
Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Srinivasnagar, Mangalore – 575025 Karnataka
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