RBI Results 2015: Reserve bank of India Invites various application forms to recruit in bank and it conducts the exams also to select the candidates. RBI Declared Result for Assistant exam held on 1st, 8th and 9th August 2015. Here we are notifying the candidates that RBI declares the RBI Assistant Result 2015 for August Exam on its official website. You can know RBI Exam 2015 Expected Cutoff Marks Now. To check the result aspirants need to click on the official website rbi.org.in.
RBI Assistant Result 2015, Declared rbi.org.in:
RBI has conduct the online examination for the Assistant posts on 1st, 8th and 9th August 2015. by online mode. All candidates were waiting for the result but now it has declared the result on the official website. Candidates can check the result by clicking the roll no. in the examination large no. of candidates took participated for the post of Assistant posts. RBI has issued the date of interview on the admit card, already and the selected candidates will get the basic salary as Rs 8, 860 per month. Here we will update you the latest news regarding RBI results.
- Click on the official site rbi.org.in.
- Check the latest news and click on the RBI results for regarding post.
- Now enter the roll no., registration no., password & date of birth.
- Click on submit.
- The result will be appeared on the screen.
- Take a print for future reference.
>> Check RBI Assistant Result <——- Available (check Cutoff, Provisionally Selected list for Interview)
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