Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh was scheduled the Bachelors in Engineering (B.Tech) Courses (AU / CE / CM/ CS / EC / EE / EI/ IC / EX/ FT / IP/ IEM/ PR/ IT/ ME/ TX/ MI/ AE) Branches Semester 1 to 8 Examinations to be held in December and January months of 2015-16 year. All the students of Rajeev Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal those who have to attend for the above BE Exams 2015-16 may check their exam dates and time from this article. Also you can find the information regarding admit card for B.E Exams Dec/Jan 2015-16 at below of this article.
Name of University | Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh |
Announcement | Exam Date Sheet & Admit card |
Name of exam | Bachelor Engineering course Exams 2015-16 |
Type of exam | Semester system |
Date of commencement of exams | 12th December 2015 (Saturday) |
Date of end of the Examination | 23rd January 2015 (Saturday) |
Timing for the exams | 10.00 am to 01.00 pm |
Examination Center | As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice |
Date of issue Hall Tickets | Second week of December 2015 |
Date of Available Admit card at respective colleges | 7th December 2015 (Tentatively) |
University website | www.rgpv.ac.in |
About the university
Rajeev Gandhi Technical University also known as University of Technology of Madhya Pradesh was established in 1998 situated at Gandhinagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
RGPV Bhopal – BE Semester – I to VIII (Theory) & Practical) Exams Dec/Jan 2015-16
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal recently issued the official schedule notification for B.E. Semester Examinations Dec / Jan 2015-16 through their official website after approved it by the (Dr. Mohan Sen), Controller (Exams). According to the official schedule while the BE Theory Exams will be organized by the RGPV University from 12-12-2015 Saturday to 23-01-2016 Saturday at respective examination centers. The students of University of Technology of Madhya Pradesh those who applied for the above BE Exam, you are advised to check exam schedule to getting preparation for your exams. Through this article we are providing the information regarding schedule and admit card of BE Exam 2015-16 for the related candidates.
BE (All Branches), III Semester Exams 2015-16
Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 pm
Branch | Exam Date | Paper Code |
AU / CE / CM
29-12-2015 Tuesday | AU301, CE301, CM301, CS301, EC301, EE301, EI301, EX301, FT301, IP301, IT301, ME301, TX301, BE301, BE301 |
07-01-2016 Thursday | AU302, CE302, CM302, CS302, EC302, EE302, EI302, EX302, FT302, IP302, IT302, ME302, TX302, MI302, AE302 |
16-01-2016 Saturday | AU303, CE303, CM303, CS303, EC303, EE303, EI303, EX303, FT303, IP303, IT303, ME303, TX303, MI303, AE303 |
20-01-2016 Wednesday | AU304, CE304, CM304, CS304, EC304, EE304, EI304, EX304, FT304, IP304, IT304, ME304, TX304, MI304, AE304 |
23-01-2016 Saturday | AU305, CE305, CM305, CS305, EC305, EE305, EI305, EX305, FT305, IP305, IT305, ME305, TX305, MI305, AE305 |
Note: Practicals to be held between 14-12-2015 to 26-12-2015.
EXAM: BE (All Branches), IV Semester
Time : 10.00 am to 01.00 pm
Exam Date |
14-12-2015 Monday |
18-12-2015 Friday |
22-12-2015 Tuesday |
26-12-2015 Saturday |
30-12-2015 Wednesday |
Note: Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015
BE (All Branches), V Semester
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Exam Date |
12-12-2015 Saturday |
16-12-2015 Wednesday |
21-12-2015 Monday |
28-12-2015 Monday |
04-01-2016 Monday |
Note: Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015
EXAM: BE (All Branches), V Semester
Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Exam Date |
12-12-2015 Saturday |
16-12-2015 Wednesday |
21-12-2015 Monday |
28-12-2015 Monday |
04-01-2016 Monday |
Note: Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015.
BE (All Branches), VI Semester
Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Exam Date |
05-01-2016 Tuesday |
09-01-2016 Saturday |
12-01-2016 Tuesday |
15-01-2016 Friday |
18-01-2016 Monday |
Note : Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015.
BE (All Branches), VI Semester
Time : 10.00 am to 01.00 pm
Exam Date |
05-01-2016 Tuesday |
09-01-2016 Saturday |
12-01-2016 Tuesday |
15-01-2016 Friday |
18-01-2016 Monday |
Note : Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015.
BE (All Branches), VII Semester
Time : 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Exam Date |
14-12-2015 Monday |
18-12-2015 Friday |
22-12-2015 Tuesday |
26-12-2015 Saturday |
30-12-2015 Wednesday |
Note: Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015
BE (All Branches), VIII Semester
Time : 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Exam Date |
29-12-2015 Tuesday |
07-01-2016 Thursday |
16-01-2016 Saturday |
20-01-2016 Wednesday |
Note : Practicals to be held between 14-12-2015 to 26-12-2015.
BE (All Branches), VIII Semester
Time : 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Exam Date |
29-12-2015 Tuesday |
07-01-2016 Thursday |
16-01-2016 Saturday |
20-01-2016 Wednesday |
BE I, II Semester (Grading System)
Time : 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Exam Date |
12-12-2015 Saturday |
21-12-2015 Monday |
04-01-2016 Monday |
08-01-2016 Friday |
13-01-2016 Wednesday |
Note : Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015
BE I, II Semester (Grading System)
Time : 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Exam Date |
12-12-2015 Saturday |
21-12-2015 Monday |
04-01-2016 Monday |
08-01-2016 Friday |
13-01-2016 Wednesday |
Note : Practicals to be held between 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015
Candidate should note the dates & sequence of question papers very carefully.
Admit card
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya likely issue the BE Admit card in Second week of December 2015 for their students. So the date of availability of admit card from 7th December 2015 (Tentatively) at university and their affiliated colleges. Students are advised to collect their admit card from respective studied college office / principles, before 2 days from the date of commencement of the exams. Candidates don’t forget to bring their admit card when you are going to exams.
For any more enquiry on above topic, please post your doubts through below comment session. We will clarify your doubts as early as possible.
University of Technology of Madhya Pradesh – BE Sem-I/ II/ III/ IV/ V/ VI/ VII/ VIII (Theory / Practical) Exams Dec/ Jan 2015-16 Results
likely issue soon and it available at https://resultsnew.com/category/results/
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