Dravidian University has recently taken a decision of conducting the exam of DUCET 2018. This exam is conducting for the aspirants to give the admissions in to the University of Dravidian. The qualification for the DUCET exam is any degree/ B.Sc. Degree/ B.Com/B.A for the courses of M.sc/M.A and M.com. The Entrance Test exam will be conducts for 90 minutes and the paper consists of objective type questions. The Selected Candidates merit list will also prepared by the Dravidian University for the aspirants. The questions for the DUCET exam will be given from the relevant completed degree subjects.
The exam date is confirmed on 30th June 2018. The hall ticket for the Entrance Test exam can be download from the website. The aspirants who will qualify in the DUCET will get the admissions in the Dravidian University for the various master’s degree. The results will also be announced on the Entrance Test exam date that is 30th June 2018 at 02.30pm after completion of exam. The Dravidian University is offering distinct courses for the aspirants to give the opportunity for their goals. The Selected Candidates merit list will also prepared based on the aspirants rank and marks.
Dravidian University Kuppam DUCET 2018 Results & Merit List
Dravidian University DUCET 2018 Result Download:
The Dravidian university has a good fame and it was established in 1991. Later it was started working with two departments in 1999 but now it is running 30 academic department with good placement institutions. The Dravidian University has announced date of 30th June 2018 and on the same date the applicants has to get the hall ticket from website as if mentioned by the organization, the Entrance Test exam conducting for two hours and the results will be announced around 02.30 pm. It was organized by the government of Andhra Pradesh at Kuppam.
The admit card can be download from the official website of institution. Even the organization intimated that the Entrance Test exam date and results announcing are at same date. The Selected Candidates merit list will help the aspirant as he can guess the institute in which campus they will get the seat. The hall ticket of an exam can be download on the 30th June 2018 in the morning before going to exam. The aspirants will not allow into the examination hall without admit card of DUCET Entrance Test exam 2018. For detailed information about the admit card and syllabus you can visit the official website www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in.
We will give the more updates about the DUCET exam in the upcoming days. For more details about the jobs/ Notification/ Entrance Test exam papers and syllabus you can log on to our website.
Dravidian University Admit card/Hall ticket 2018 Details:
Name of the Organization: Dravidian University
Official Website: www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in.
Job Category: Dravidian University Admit card 2018
Click Here For Dravidian University Official Website
Click Here For Results of DUCET Exam 2018
Download DUCET 2018 Results On www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in
Important Date:
Dravidian university ducet entrance test Admit card/Hall Ticket Date: 30-06-2018
Dravidian university ducet entance test Exam Date: 30-06-2018
Dravidian university ducet entance test Results date: 30-06-2018 (02.30pm)