State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana, was successfully conducted the C-18 2nd Semester MID Semester-II & C-18 IV Semester MID Semester-II Examinations in February 2020 at respective examination centers for the students. All the related candidates who participated for Telangana SBTET C-18 2nd & 4th Sem Exams Feb 2020, you are suggested to check your results online easily.
SBTET Telangana Affiliated Colleges Information | Examination Center Name with Code
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
C-18 II SEMESTER MID SEM – II Exams February-2020 Results
Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Diploma in Architectural Assistantship
Diploma in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Computer Engineering
Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice
Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Diploma in Garment Technology
Diploma in Home Science
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering
Diploma in Mining Engineering
Diploma in Packaging Technology
Diploma in Packaging Technology
Diploma in Footwear Technology
Diploma in Bio Medical Engineering
Diploma in Embedded Systems
Diploma in Electronics Video Engineering
Diploma in Printing Technology
C-18 IV SEMESTER MID SEM-II Exams February-2020 Results
Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Diploma in Architectural Assistantship
Diploma in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Computer Engineering
Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice
Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Diploma in Garment Technology
Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology
Diploma in Home Science
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering
Diploma in Mining Engineering
Diploma in Packaging Technology
Diploma in Printing Technology
Diploma in Footwear Technology
Check results at:
Results availability: In March 2020 (Exact date update soon)
TS SBTET Diploma C-18 2nd & 4th Sem Exams Feb 2020 Tentative Time Table
Download time table at:
SBTET Telangana C-09 / C-14 / C-16 / ER -91 Pharm. Results Oct/Nov 2019
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana – was successfully conducted the Diploma Courses (C-09, C-14, C-16) & ER -91 Pharmacy – First / Second Year Examinations in between 25th October 2017 and 20th November 2017 at different examination centers throughout Telangana State. Also there are so many eligible candidates participated for SBTET Telangana Diploma Examination October / November 2018 and they are eagerly waiting for the date of declaration of results.
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana – will be issued the Diploma Courses Examination October / November 2017 Results in January 2019 (Exact date of publication of results will update here soon). All the related candidates who participated for TS-SBTET Diploma Examination October / November 2017, you are suggested to check your results through online easily. Once announced the Diploma result published by SBTET Telangana, and then the results page direct link update here very faster.
Telangana Typewriting & Shorthand Exams August 2018 Results Check Online
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
Diploma Courses (C-09) Exams October / November 2018 Result
Diploma Courses (C-14) Exams October / November 2018 Result
Diploma Courses (C-16) 1st Sem Exams October / November 2018 Result
Diploma Courses (C-16) 1st Year & 3rd Sem Exams October / November 2018 Result
Pharmacy Courses (ER -91) 1 & 2 Year Exams October / November 2018 Result
Check Results at:
Results availability: In January 2019 (Exact date update soon).
SBTET Telangana – Recently published Results
JUNE-2018 D-PHARMACY 1YEAR (ER-91) RESULTS. (Issued on : 24th August 2018)
D.PHARMACY-2017 RANK CARDS (Issued on : 13th July 2017)
JULY/AUGUST-2016-TYPEWRITING & SHORTHAND RESULTS (Issued on : 12th October 2016)
Diploma May /June-2016 Instant Examination C09 RESULTS (Issued on : 26th June 2016)
Diploma Courses (C-09) Exams October / November 2017 Result
Course | Exam Start Date | Exam End Date |
3 Year Sandwich Diploma Courses |
C-09 Diploma in Architectural Assistantship | 26-October-2017 | 13-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Automobile Engineering | 26-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 26-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Civil Engineering | 26-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Computer Engineering | 26-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Electronics and Communication | 26-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice | 25-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Sugar Technology) | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-09 – Diploma in Craft Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Home Science | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Garment Technology | 25-October-2017 | 6-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology | 25-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Information Technology | 25-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Packing Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Mining Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
3 ½ Year Sandwich Diploma Courses |
C-09 Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 8-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Footwear Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Textile Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-09 Diploma in Chemical Engineering | 26-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
Diploma Courses (C-14) Exams October / November 2017 Result
Course | Exam Start Date | Exam End Date |
3 Year Diploma Courses |
C-14 Diploma in Architectural Assistantship | 25-October-2017 | 16-November-2017 |
C14 Diploma in Automobile Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 17-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice | 25-October-2017 | 17-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Civil Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Sugar Technology) | 25-October-2017 | 20-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Computer Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14- Diploma in Craft Technology | 25-October-2017 | 15-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Garment Technology | 25-October-2017 | 16-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology | 25-October-2017 | 17-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Home Science | 25-October-2017 | 15-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Information Technology | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Mining Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Packing Technology | 25-October-2017 | 18-November-2017 |
3 ½ Year Sandwich Diploma Courses |
C-14 Diploma in Textile Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Chemical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-14 Diploma in Footwear Technology | 25-October-2017 | 17-November-2017 |
Diploma Courses (C-16) 1st Sem Exams October / November 2017 Result
Course | Exam Start Date | Exam End Date |
3 Year Diploma Courses |
C-16 Diploma in Architectural Assistantship | 25-October-2017 | 11-November-2017 |
C16 Diploma in Automobile Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Civil Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Sugar Technology) | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Computer Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Craft Technology | 25-October-2017 | 1-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Garment Technology | 25-October-2017 | 3-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology | 25-October-2017 | 3-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Home Science | 25-October-2017 | 1-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Information Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Mining Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Packing Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
3 ½ Year Sandwich Diploma Courses |
C-16 Diploma in Textile Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Footwear Technology | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Chemical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 9-November-2017 |
Diploma Courses (C-16) 1st Year & 3rd Sem Exams October / November 2017 Result
Course | Exam Start Date | Exam End Date |
3 Year Diploma Courses |
C-16 Diploma in Architectural Assistant-ship | 25-October-2017 | 13-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Automobile Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Civil Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Sugar Technology) | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Computer Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16- Diploma in Craft Technology | 25-October-2017 | 2-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Garment Technology | 25-October-2017 | 6-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology | 25-October-2017 | 6-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Home Science | 25-October-2017 | 2-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Information Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Mining Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Packing Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
3 ½ Year Sandwich Diploma Courses |
C-16 Diploma in Textile Technology | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Chemical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering | 25-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
C-16 Diploma in Footwear Technology | 26-October-2017 | 10-November-2017 |
Pharmacy Courses (ER -91) 1 & 2 Year Exams October / November 2017 Result
Course | Exam Start Date | Exam End Date |
2 Year Diploma Courses |
ER-91- Pharmacy | 25-October-2017 | 08-November-2017 |
Check Results at:
Important dates
Date of issued time table notification: 6th October 2017
Date of commencement of exams: 25-October-2017
Date of end of the examination: 20th November 2017
Date of declaration of results: In January 2018 (Exact date update soon)
For any doubts (or) give your valuable suggestions on above topic, through below comment session.