All the qualified candidates in TSICET-2017 will be called for MBA (or) MCA admission counselling process. Those candidates are required to attend certificate verification in any one of the Help Line Centers (HLCs) as per the schedule. The details of the ranks distributed Help Line Center wise for Certificate Verification and all other important information is placed on the website: and candidates are informed to visit this website before they go for certificate verification.
The candidates who are going to attend for TSICET 2017 Counselling, you should need to pay the counselling processing fee Rs.1000/- (OC/BC), Rs.500/-(SC/ST). (At the Time of Certificate Verification). Tuition Fee particulars and seats available under Convenor Quota College wise will be made available on the website well before the commencement of Option Entry.
Date of commencement of counselling : 6th July 2017
Date of end of counselling process : 10th July 2017
TSICET 2017 Required Documents to Verification Process
Candidates can check below the documents which are required to submit at the time of counselling certificate verification process. All original certificates and 2 sets of Xerox copies of the following
- TSICET-2017 Rank Card
- TSICET -2017 Hall Ticket
- Aadhaar Card
- Degree marks memos and pass certificate
- Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-cum-Pass Certificate
- S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo
- IX to Degree Study Certificates
- Transfer Certificate (T.C)
- Income Certificate issued on or after 01-01-2017 by competent authority, if applicable
- Caste Certificate issued by competent authority, if applicable
- Physically Challenged (PH) / Children of Armed Forces Personnel (CAP) / National Cadet Corps (NCC)/ Sports and Games / Minority certificate, if applicable
- Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for a period of 10 years in case of Non-Local candidates
Residence certificate of candidates for a period of 7 years proceeding to qualifying examination in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education
If any candidates have queries regarding above topic, please comment us below.
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