Yogi Vemana University will be issued the Bachelors of Education (B.Ed.) I Semester Examinations to be held in April / May, 2018 Time Table notification for Old / New Regulations, through their official website at www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in. All the students Yogi Vemana University and their affiliated colleges those who have to attend for the B.Ed. Sem-1 Exams held in April/May, 2018, you can download the fully detailed time table notification in order to getting preparation for your exams.
Yogi Vemana University
B.Ed. Sem-1 Exams April / May, 2018 Time Table (Old / New Regulations)
Download at: http://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/
Time Table availability: In January 2018
Yogi Vemana University issued the hall tickets for Bachelors of Education (B.Ed) Degree I Semester Examinations to be held in between 20th April 2016 and 5th May 2016. YVU Kadapa going to conduct the UG (B.Ed) Exams April 2016 at various examination centers throughout Kadapa District. Candidates have to check their respective exam center name in their hall ticket only. All the related candidates who are preparing to appear for the B.Ed Exams April 2016 can collect their hall ticket from respective studied college office before 3 days from the date of commencement of the exams.
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P. has published the official time table notification No./C.E./ B.Ed /1 sem/2015-16 on Dated : 12th April 2016 for B.Ed . Degree Examinations Held in April month 2016 for both of (Old & New Regulations). This is good news for those candidates who applied for the Bachelors in Education Degree Exam under the YV University. The related candidates may check their exam schedule also know the information regarding hall tickets through this article.
Name of University : Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
Announcement : Time Table / Hall Tickets / Results
Name of Exam : B.Ed. (Old & New Regulations) Exams April 2016
Date of commencement of the B.Ed Exams: 20th April 2016 (Wednesday)
Date of end of the B.Ed. Exams: 5th May 2016 (Thursday)
Timing for the exams: 02.00 PM to 05.00 PM / 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Date of issue Hall Tickets: 15th April 2016
Date of Available B.Ed Hall Tickets at respective colleges : 16th April 2016
Examination center: Respective exam centers (Exam center name will available in student Hall Tickets)
Official website: www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in
YVU BED Sem-1 Exam April 2016 Time Table
Date | Day | Title of the Paper | Paper | Time |
20-04-2016 | Wednesday | Philosophical Foundations of Education | I | 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm |
22-04-2016 | Friday | Perspectives In Child Development | II | |
25-04-2016 | Monday | Information And Communication Technology (ICT) For Enriching Teaching And Learning | III | |
30-04-2016 | Saturday | Pedagogy of Mathematics/Social Sciences/Biological Sciences | IV | 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm |
03-05-2016 | Tuesday | Pedagogy of English/Telugu | V | |
05-05-2016 | Thursday | Pedagogy of Physical Sciences | VI |
YVU BED Sem-1 Exam April 2016 Hall Tickets
Yogi Vemana University will issue the B.Ed hall tickets for college branches official Email: ID through online on 15th April 2016 (Tentatively). The B.Ed Hall Tickets will be available from 15th (or) 16th April 2016 (Tentatively) at respective YVU affiliated colleges. The related candidates who are preparing for the B.Ed Exams 2016 which are organizing by the YVU may collect their hall tickets from respective studied college before 3 days to the exam date.
Note : Candidates must bring their hall ticket when you are going to appear for the exams.
Date of B.Ed hall tickets available from: 15th April 2016 (Tentatively)
For any more queries on above topic, candidates may please comment us below comment session.
YVU – B.Ed Exams Held in September 2015 – Time Table
Yogi Vemana University recently declared the examination schedule for B.Ed Degree Examinations September, 2015 For Old & New Regulations, after approved with the Controller of Examinations. According to the official time table notification “No./C.E./B.Ed 2014-15”, the B.Ed Exams are going to commencement from 8th September 2015 at respective examination centers. Here below we have provided the B.Ed Exams schedule for the students of YVU those who are going to attend for the B.Ed Exams 2015. The related persons may check their exam schedule clearly to preparing for the exams. The persons also know the information regarding BED hall tickets 2015 at below of this article.
YVU Time Table B.Ed Degree Exams September 2015
Notification No./C.E./ B.Ed 2014-15
Dated : 28th August 2015
Date & Day | Title of the Paper | Paper |
08-09-2015 Tuesday | Foundation of Education | I |
10-09-2015 Thursday | Psychological Foundations of Education | II |
12-09-2015 Saturday | Educational Technology and Computer Education | III |
14-09-2015 Monday | School Management and Systems of Education | IV |
16-09-2015 Wednesday | Personality Development and Communicative English | V |
18-09-2015 Friday | Methods of Teaching Mathematics/ Biological Sciences/Social Studies | VI/VII |
21-09-2015 Monday | Methods of Teaching English/Telugu/Special English | VI/VII |
23-09-2015 Wednesdays | Methods of Teaching Physical Sciences/NLLT | VI/VII |
B.Ed Degree Examinations September, 2015 Time Table (New Regulations)
Date & Day | Title of the Paper | Paper |
08-09-2015 Tuesday | Foundation of Education | I |
10-09-2015 Thursday | Psychological of Teaching & Learning | II |
12-09-2015 Saturday | School Management and Issues in Education | III |
14-09-2015 Monday | Information & Communication Technology in Education | IV |
16-09-2015 Wednesday | Methods of Teaching Mathematics- Biological Sciences-Social Studies | V |
For any queries regarding above topic, please tell us through below comment session.
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