Good News i.e. Yogi Vemana University declared the Under-Graduation (Semester Pattern) Examinations Held in April 2017 Results on 5th July 2017 and now the results are available to check online. Please check results below.
YVU – Degree (Sem & Year Pattern) Exams April / May 2018 Result
UG IV Semester – B.Com Results – (Available Soon)
UG IV Semester – B.Sc Results – (Available Soon)
UG II Semester – Supplementary Results – Available Later
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa will conduct the Bachelor Degree Courses (B.A./ B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.B.A. / B.C.A.) First, Second & Final Year Annual (Year Pattern) Examinations at different exam centers in Kadapa District. While the Under-Graduation Courses Annual Exams will be conducted by YVU in between 13th April 2017 and 11th May 2017. Candidates can click here to check the exam dates, timing and fully detailed UG Exam schedule.
There are huge of eligible students from YVU University and their affiliated colleges, are applied and preparing to participate in Bachelor Degree Annual Examinations to be held in April / May 2017. All those students are advised to take your hall ticket and appear for your respective exams on those dates which mentioned your provided hall ticket. Student’s examination center name and address also will be appearing in your hall ticket only.
Good News i.e. YVU Declared the Degree Year Pattern End Exams April 2017 Results on (Today) 10th June 2017 (Results are available now) Check Results at :
YVU – UG First/ Second/ Final Year Exams April 2017 Results
Note : Yogi Vemana University Degree Annual Examinations April / May 2017 Hall Tickets are not available to download from web, students only collect their hall ticket from your respective studied college principle. Candidates can also read below, the descriptive reason for why YVU UG Hall tickets not available in web.
Recommended :
YVU Degree (Year Pattern) Exams April/ May, 2017 Time Table Available Now
Important dates:
Date of issued time table notification: 29th March 2017
Issue hall tickets and available from: on or before 10th March 2017
Date of commencement of exams: 13th April 2017
Date of end of the UG Annual Exams: 11th May 2017
Publication of results: In June 2017 (Exact date update soon here)
Timings for the examination:
- First Year: 2 PM to 5 PM / 2 PM to 4 PM
- Second year: 9 AM to 12 Noon / 9 AM to 11 PM
- Final year: 9 AM to 12 Noon
Name of organization: Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa
Announcement: Hall Tickets
Name of exams: BA, BSC, BCOM, BBA, BCA
Type of exams: Year pattern / Annual Exams – April / May 2017
Official website:
Yogi Vemana University Degree Annual Exams April 2017 Hall Tickets
We already know that Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa has prepared and published the Bachelor Degree (Under-Graduation) 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Annual Examination April 2017 Time Table notification on 29th March 2017. There are all students who are related with YVU UG Annual Exams April 2017 are downloaded the time table and getting preparation for their respective subjects in order as following the official time table notification.
Also they are eagerly waiting for the UG Hall Tickets; because they are eagerly looking to know their exam center details either find out their provided exam center nearby or longer to them residency.
When issue the UG Hall tickets?
There is no fixed date to publication of Degree hall tickets, but the University will send students hall tickets to their affiliated colleges one week before to the date of commencement of exams. All respective college principles, will take print out their students hall tickets and they will give you in your good time. So we are expecting to send the UG hall tickets from University to Affiliated colleges on 6th (or) 7th April 2017 and the college principles take print out of all their college students hall tickets and it may be given you from 8th (or) 10th April 2017.
YVU UG Hall Tickets available to download online?
No| YVU not upload Degree student’s hall tickets on their website (or) any other places in the web from since the university starts. Before 2012 year University only send the printed students hall tickets their affiliated colleges by Postal (or) Direct to principles. But from 2013 University not sending printed hall tickets, instead of that university sending students hall tickets to their affiliated colleges through Email as in PDF file format. College principles will download the student’s hall tickets from the college Email ID and print it. After completion of student hall ticket print out, college principles will stamp the college seal and principle will put signature on of their student’s hall tickets. This process may take one (or) two (or) maximum three days and principle provides your hall ticket to students.
Note: Every student must check their hall ticket clearly, if there you found any mistakes such as college stamp missing / signature of principle is missing / student name error / wrong print of exam dates etc anything else please contact your respective college principle and tell them your hall ticket mistakes, you principle will take an immediately action and him/her rectify and provide you correct hall ticket to you.
What date will appear in student hall tickets?
- Your Hall ticket number
- Name of the examination
- Examination center & Code
- Candidate name
- Father’s Name
- College name (Where studied)
- Subject(s) in which candidate desires to be examined
- Photo & Signature of student
- Signature & Seal of officer
- Signature of Controller of examinations
- Instruction to candidates
The above provided information not guessing, our team find out all of above information from the YVU university affiliated colleges and principles. If any candidates have doubts on above topic, please write us through below comment session. We will answer you shortly according to your queries.
Swetha says
My college name is Sri vadavyasa degree college proddatur, I want to know my exam center name please tell me.
fasi says
When’ll we get the declration of semister results of 1st year
Princess says
When the release 4th sem results
pvenkatasiva says
SIR PLEASE TELL ME RESULTS FOR SEMESTER PATTERN IAM REQUIRED TELL ME SPECIFIC DATE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Janardhan reddy says
Sir please release the degree 4 th semester result