North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon going to conduct the F.Y.B.P.E. Second Semester Examinations in December 2019 at respective examination centers for their students. According to the official schedule notification while the F.Y.B.P.E. (New & Old) Examination December 2019 will be organized by the North Maharashtra University from 10th December 2019 at respective examination centers. The students of NMU and their affiliated colleges, those who have applied for the above F.Y.B.P.E. Sem-2 Exams December 2019, you are advised to check the changed in original examination schedule and date of declaration of the results from this article.
Name of University | North Maharashtra University, Umavi Nagar, Jalgaon, Maharashtra |
Announcement | Exam schedule – Corrigendum / Admit Card / Results |
Name of exam | F.Y.B.P.E. Sem-II Exam December 2019 |
Type of exam | Theory (Written examination) 2019-16 |
Date of commenced exam | 10th December 2019 |
Date of issue admit card | 7th December 2019 (Tentatively) |
University website | |
North Maharashtra University- BPE F.Y. Sem-2 Exam Dec 2019 – Corrigendum
NMU, Jalgaon recently notified the F.Y.B.P.E. – (Sem.II) Exam Dec 2019 Corrigendum through their official website for the related candidates. The UG Course exam 2019-16 Corrigendum Notification “Ref. No. NMU/7C/ Edu. /5016/2019” issued by the NMU University after it approved by the “Dr. D. N. Gujarathi (Controller of Examinations)” on 19th November 2019. According to the above notice the modification of Office Circular No. 273 of 2019, circulated under the reference No.NMU/7C/4588/2019 Date: 13/10/2019 respectively, regarding Programme of F.Y.B.P.E.- Sem-II (New & Old) December 2019 examination to be commenced from 10th December 2019. It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the following corrections have been made in the time table of F.Y.B.P.E. (New & Old) Examination, December 2019. So the candidates who are going to appear for the above BPE F.Y. Sem-2 Exam Dec 2019, may check their revised exam schedule at below, and also find the information regarding admit card and date of declaration of the results at below of this article.
F.Y.B.P.E. – (Sem.II) Exam.
Exam Date (Original / Old)
Day & Date | Subject | Time |
Saturday, 12/12/2019 | Hindi ( Prayojan Mulak Hindi) (1070) Old -Annual | 03.00 p.m. to 06.00 p.m. |
F.Y.B.P.E. – (Sem.II) Exam
Exam Date (Revised/ New/ Changed)
Day & Date | Subject | Time |
Saturday, 12/12/2019 | Hindi ( Prayojan Mulak Hindi) (1070) Old -Annual | 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. |
Note: However, there is no other change in the original Programme of examinations, which stands good.
Admit Card:
North Maharashtra University likely issue the admit card before 3 days from the date of commencement of exams. So the F.Y.B.P.E. Sem-II Exam December 2019 Hall Tickets are expecting to available from 10th December 2019 at the NMU University and their affiliated colleges. Students who are going to appear for the above exams, must collect their admit card from respective studied college principle to appearing your exams.
Date of declaration of the results :
The date of declaration of the results in depended on F.Y.B.P.E. II Sem Exam Dec 2019 Answer paper evaluation status. Once complete the above exam, the answer paper correction will be carried out by the North Maharashtra University. After completion of the paper correction process, the calculated student mark sheets upload to online at university website. So the related students who wrote the above exams, you may update with the university at results folder (or) check this webpage regularly for finding latest news regarding the Degree exam results.
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